Heir of Fire

Heir of Fire - Sarah J. Maas Celaena's journey continues. Following the end of 'Crown of Midnight', Celaena begins yet another quest, traveling to learn more about the wyrdkeys from her Fae Queen aunt. Our favorite assassin's quest is not so easy when her aunt requests she submit to a trial before gaining information.

This third installment in the series different in that readers encounter multiple story lines at once. Just how events will play out is yet to be seen.

Celaena is certainly more vulnerable in many ways throughout this novel. Still broken by the events of the previous book, she is unable to harness her magic due in part to her block surrounding the demise of her kingdom.

Fans of the previous books will not be disappointed. There are many surprises in store and in addition to characters we've grown to love, Maas introduces others that are just as memorable and intriguing.